If you suspect that your furnace isn’t working properly, you can try performing a few simple checks on it. These include inspecting the air intake, the thermostat, and the control board. You should also check the carbon monoxide detector. However, if you are unsure of the condition of your furnace, contact a professional who specializes in furnace repair.
Check the air intake
One of the first things to check when doing furnace repair is the air intake. A dirty air filter will reduce efficiency, restrict needed air flow, and damage vital system components. You should also check the thermocouple to ensure that it’s operating safely. If there’s a problem, the thermocouple should be replaced. In addition, check the fuel lines for leaks and inspect the manifold gas pressure to ensure that the correct amount of fuel is reaching the burners.
Another common furnace repair issue is a blocked air intake. If you can’t find the source of the problem, you can check the air intake vent outside. You can also try removing any debris that might be blocking the vent.
Check the control board
If your furnace is not turning on, you should check the control board. If the board is broken, you will be unable to turn on the furnace. It could be due to a bad pressure switch or there might be no voltage going to other components of the furnace. Here are some simple steps to check the control board:
First, you need to know what type of control board your furnace has. It should have a set sequence to turn on the heating. To check the control board, locate it at the front of the blower or on the rear of the lower access panel. There will be several wires that run through the control board. You should be able to see an LED indicator that indicates whether power is reaching the circuit board. If not, you should check each component one by one. For this, you will need a voltage meter. You will also need a separate transformer that is attached to the furnace.
Check the thermostat
To fix a malfunctioning thermostat, you must first identify what’s wrong with it. Some thermostats are hard-wired into the house’s electrical system, while others run on batteries and flash a low-battery symbol. If your thermostat is battery-operated, open it and check the battery. Check for theĀ Furnace Repair correct time and date, and make sure the programmable features are set properly. If your thermostat is wired to the house’s breaker, make sure that it is in the middle position.
You can also check the thermostat by placing a paper towel near the thermostat and putting a household thermometer on it. Take note of the difference in temperature between the thermostat’s readout and the household thermometer’s reading. If the two readings are different, it’s likely the thermostat is malfunctioning.
Check the carbon monoxide detector
One of the easiest ways to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning is to install a carbon monoxide detector in your home. This device can detect high levels of carbon monoxide and can prevent a fire if the CO level is too high. The best way to do this is to install the detector five to twenty feet away from the furnace. You should also install one near any fuel burning appliances in your home. It’s especially important to place the detector outside of sleeping areas. Many carbon monoxide detectors also serve as smoke detectors.
In addition to checking the detector, you should also check the carbon monoxide alarm battery. It should be replaced every five to six years. You should also remember to replace smoke detector batteries regularly. You should also clean the detectors regularly.